
Démystifier la fertilité et les tests qui y sont reliés

endometrial fluid

entente non résident

Entente non-résident FR

eshere frag eshre 23 poster v3 final





eshre 2019 lbissonnette final 1

eshre 2022 a proof of concept study evaluating the effect of personalized dosages of follitropin delta in intra uterine insemination iui personalized iui treatment study pits

eshre 2022 cost effectiveness analysis of in vitro fertilization ivf antagonist protocols utilizing highly purified human menopausal gonadotropin hp hmg and three different recombinant fsh rfsh p

eshre 2022 sperm deoxyribonucleic acid integrity decreases with age and exhibits a rapid decline beyond the age of 35

eshre 2022 total motile sperm count and oral ovulation induction protocols are not predictors of success in donor insemination cycles results from a large retrospective study

ESHRE, 34th annual meeting, Barcelone

ESHRE, 34th annual meeting, Barcelone

ESHRE, 35th annual meeting Vienne, Austria

ESHRE, 38th annual meeting, Milan, Italy

ESHRE , 38th annual meeting, Milan, Italy

ESHRE, 38th annual meeting, Milan, Italy

ESHRE, 38th annual meeting, Milan, Italy

ESHRE, 39th annual meeting, Copenhagen, Danemark

ESHRE, 39th annual meeting, Copenhagen, Danemark

ESHRE, 40th annual meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ESHRE annual meeting

ESHRE annual meeting

ESHRE annual meeting, Helsikin, Finlande

ESHRE annual meeting, Helsikin, Finlande

ESHRE annual meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

ESHRE annual meeting, London, United Kingdom

1 10 11 12 13 14 19

L'inclusion de tous les genres et personnes sexuellement diversifiées est une valeur importante de la clinique ovo. Nous nous efforçons continuellement de créer un environnement d'appartenance compatissant où toute la communauté LGBTQ2SIA+ est soutenue, valorisée et respectée.

La clinique ovo est située en territoire autochtone non cédé. La nation Kanien’kehá:ka est reconnue comme la gardienne de Montréal/Tiohtiá:ke.

© Tous droits réservés Groupe ovo 2022-2023