Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our services. Please contact us if you do not find the answer to your question in this questionnaire.


Q: Where do the tests / examinations requested by my physician take place?

A: You can complete all the required tests quickly on-site at clinique ovo and the fees will be reimbursed by most insurance companies. You can also complete your examinations in hospitals and at CLSC, and these will be covered by the RAMQ insurance card in Quebec.

Q: Can I produce my semen sample for analysis at home?

A: You can collect the sample at home in a sterile container and take it directly to our laboratory within one hour of production. The specimen should be kept at body temperature (close to the body).

Q: What are the prerequisites for freezing my sperm?

A: You will need a recent pre-conception work-up (exceptionally, we can proceed without the work-up in cases of fertility preservation; units will then be quarantined pending the results) and a physician’s prescription indicating “freezing of sperm.” For more information, contact ovo cryo at 514 798-2000, ext. 203.

Optimo Screening Test

Q: What is the optimo test?

A: optimo is a screening test done during the first trimester of pregnancy, between 11 weeks + 4 days and 13 weeks + 6 days. It involves:


  • A fetal ultrasound
  • A maternal blood test

The ultrasound aims to verify if the fetus is growing and thriving and has no malformations. It also measures nuchal translucency.

The blood test screens for serum markers, which are substances present in the mother’s blood that are produced by the developing placenta.

These tests present no risks for the pregnancy carrier or the fetus.

Q: For which conditions does the test screen?

A: The optimo test is done mainly to screen for trisomies 21, 18 and 13, but it can also detect other conditions:


  • By ultrasound: heart defects, neural tube defects, other malformations
  • By serum markers: obstetric risk factors

Q: How is my risk calculated?

A: The risk of trisomies 21 and 18 is calculated based on:


  • The nuchal translucency
  • The serum marker results
  • The egg provider’s age

Your result is categorized as low risk (less than 1/2,500), moderate risk (between 1/2,500 and 1/100), and high risk (greater than 1/100). The risk of trisomy 13 is calculated based on whether or not malformations can be seen on the ultrasound and is not assigned a number.

Q: How long does it take to get my result?

A: You will receive your result within three to five business days. If your risk is low, you will be informed by email. A copy of the result will also be sent to your physician.

Q: What happens if my risk is moderate or high?

A: If your risk is greater than 1/2,500, you will be contacted by phone.


If your risk is moderate, you will be offered the Harmony test, a fetal DNA test done on maternal blood. This test is free of charge and the result is available in five business days.

If your risk is high, you can also have the Harmony test done free of charge. However, it is recommended that you talk to your physician about having an amniocentesis.

Q: What is the detection rate with the optimo test?

A: The detection rate for trisomy 21 is 98%.


Q: Can I stop my participation in a study?

A: Your participation in a research study is completely voluntary. You are free to refuse and withdraw your participation at any time. Your decision will have no consequence on the quality of care, treatment or your relationship with your treating physician at  clinique ovo.

Q: Who will I consult?

A: Each participant is closely monitored by a team of experienced health professionals. During a visit with the research nurse, the possible side effects of the study will be mentioned. Furthermore, the potential side effects are written in the informed consent form that will be given to you. 

Q: Are there any side effects?

A: Any medication can have a risk of side effects. When you meet with the research nurse, the potential side effects will be mentioned. Furthermore, the list of possible side effects can be found in the copy of the consent form that will be given to you.

Contact us

Our team is here to help you with anything.


Inclusion of all gender and sexually diverse people is an important value of clinique ovo. We are continuously striving to create an environment of compassionate belonging where all of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community are supported, valued and respected.

The clinique ovo is located in unceded Indigenous territory. The Kanien’kehá: ka Nation is recognized as the guardian of Montreal / Tiohtiá: ke.

© All rights reserved ovo group 2023